Jobs in UAE, Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Libya and other Gulf countries

Production and Manufacturing Jobs in Gulf

Headquarters of ADMA-OPCO (Abu Dhabi Marine Op...Image via WikipediaBy Deepika Bansal

The attractions of earning tax-free salaries coupled with relaxing lifestyle are enough to draw talented professionals toward the Gulf cities. Gulf jobs attract large number of expatriates every year while regions of Middle East, UAE and Gulf have become favorite career destinations for many.

The availability of jobs in Gulf across all sectors including production and manufacturing, oil and gas, travel and tourism, nursing and healthcare, hospitality and aviation, etc. makes it a land of diverse career options. Jobs in production and manufacturing units are growing and so is the hiring for professionals and experts in the field. With the growing interest of foreign investors in establishing their production units in Gulf cities, the business of manufacturers is prospering.