Petroleum Jobs in Kuwait
Getting a job in a Gulf country is a cherished dream of a lot of professionals. This is the reason why the Gulf region has seen a deluge of skilled foreign workers in the last decade. Expatriates have taken up jobs in almost all industries in the Gulf including IT, Healthcare, Banking, Oil & Gas, Construction, Tourism etc. All Gulf jobs are perceived to be very lucrative and this is the prime reason why expatriates take up work there despite major cultural differences in lifestyle. Gulf is full of natural riches and oil reserves. Talking of oil reserves, in the Middle East, Kuwait is the third-largest oil producer. Thus, Kuwait is a significant member of the GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council). It follows Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Since there is a lot of oil production in this region, jobs in oil and gas industry in Saudi Arabia is also ample. There are many expatriates working in Petroleum jobs in Kuwait.