Tips for working in the Gulf
Gulf jobs are popular among Asians and westerners alike for the many incentives and benefits that come along with them. The high-paying jobs in the Gulf make them attractive to expatriates across the globe. Foreign workers come to the Gulf to take up these jobs in a tax-free environment where there compensation is exempt from all taxes and lets them make huge savings during their stint in the Gulf. However, moving to the Gulf and taking up jobs there is not as easy and smooth as it may sound. There are many things that expatriate workers have to keep in mind to be able to make their stay enjoyable and hassle-free. In this article, we have discussed a few tips that will let you get an overview of all that you need to keep in mind before taking up a job in the Gulf.
While jobs are available in almost all sectors and industries in the Gulf for different skill sets and experience levels, finding the right job in the right company at the right place is crucial. And, you must ensure that you have a proper job in hand with all the paperwork done and documents in place before you land in the Gulf.
Don’t commit the mistake of coming to the Gulf first and then looking for a job. If you arrange for a job from your home country only, your employer will also pay for your relocation. You can apply for jobs through newspapers, job sites and even through consultants. But be specific in your job search. Be sure about which companies you want to work with and apply to vacancies there. You can regularly keep checking the websites of these companies to find out if they have any job openings.
The job applications that you send to the companies in the gulf should clearly and explicitly explain how you can be of value to them. Prepare your resume right and if need be, take expert advice to improve your resume. If you are applying through consultants, you have to be extra cautious. Look at the past record of the consultant and his reputation. There are some certified consultants too. Prefer to go to them only. Since Gulf jobs are so popular, there are many bogus consultants working in this area. You should try to steer clear of such people. Sometimes, these consultants ask for a hefty amount of money to help you find a job and sometimes, they land you up in questionable jobs in shady companies. So, always route through an authorized channel.
While considering a job in the Gulf countries, salary is the major attraction but you should not be blinded by salary prospects. Look beyond just the salary offer and consider the job in totality. The profile, the company, growth prospects, work hours etc should all be considered while finalizing a job offer. Also, ascertain what the company offers other than the salary. Since accommodation in the Gulf may be expensive, see if your contract covers accommodation expenses and offers you other incentives. Most companies offer a lot of incentives on senior levels. Other areas that you need to look into are medical, healthcare insurance, schooling of children etc. Unless you ask, chances are you won’t get these benefits. Once you have these things sorted out, you will have higher security in the job.
Get our contract made properly with clear term sand conditions. Have it mentioned explicitly what the company expects from you and what it is offering in return. The paperwork should be done flawlessly and you must always keep some copies along with the originals. Don’t do anything verbally or agree upon anything verbally. Get it in writing on a sealed contract. If the contract is in Arabic, ask for it to be translated into English as well. If possible, speak to other people in the company and get a first-hand report about the culture and the work style of the company.
When you relocate, you will find the culture very different o yours. Go with the right expectations. Read as much as you can before coming to the Gulf so that you know what to expect. If you are taking your family along, prepare them mentally too. Gulf countries are a little conservative but they are also courteous and generous. You might take some time in adjusting to the lifestyle there. These are a few tips that will help you make the most of your job in the Gulf.
About the Author
Geetika Jain writes on behalf of, a leading job portal for jobs in Gulf Region, Jobs in Dubai, Middle East jobs.'s foray into the Middle East is an Endeavour to provide established client base with services that best meet their international requirements as well as expand our operations on to a global arena.
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Article Source: - Tips for working in the Gulf